Saturday, June 6, 2009

What have I! been doin since i graduated.... let's see

so.... it has been possibly more than a week since I  have graduated... and you know what? i have become quite the ambitionist... i am currently trying to get my license out of desperation (I am home by myself with a fully functional car at my disposal, but 1: angely, my yonger sister - i know, don;' judge - has left for peru for 2 months, and Vanessa - my twin - is staying in ithaca to study for her MCATs. I am basically stranded... literally. I have missed out on so many bonding experiences since i've been home due to the fact that I have no legitimate way of getting there. But i have always needed a dire direct reason to get my shit together... and this is a pretty DIRE AND DIRECT reason. But  despite my lack of license.. until next week.... I have accomplished quite a bit during my last bit as an undergraduate at cornell..  I went on a wine tour... I went fishing... i took a "road trip"- i had a late night bond-fire next to a waterfall- a must at cornell- and countless other random destructive behaviors in my final week at cornell. anyway I am curently at this VERY moment! -drinking beers with my sister (kethleen- the OLDEST Mondestin- and her fiance watching Mallrats and having a swell time... this will be an interesting post in the morning... I hope It's interseting in the morning... lol can i correct my spelling errors tomorrow... we shall see. 

ok so curently my goals of the week
1: get permit
2: get lincese
3: find ride to brooke's beach house for the weekend
4: get to kelly's graduation next monday
5: find a way to get my friend to come down and help me drive my car back to cornell
6: continue applying for jobs, YES: applying for jobs

BUT i had a slight speed bump that had delayed my goals and it is in the form of family. My aunt basically guilted me into spending the week at her house to tutor her  12 yr old son for his finals this week. i skipped the weekend to spend with angely b4 her amazing trip - which i got sh*t for- but i eventually went last wed. to find that my cousin did Not in fact need help with studying so i was subjected to tv marathons and random dinners with my uncle's colleagues - he's a doctors - i decided to jump ship on saturday - today- much to my cousins' dismay my youngest cousin -age 5- cried to me saying how i would miss her graduation form kindergarden on monday - she did not neglect to mention that she in fact attended MY graduation which should warrant the same respect from me and hers- but seeing as everyone in the house was in bed by 10 my entire stay, AND the fact that i was woken up every morning at 7AM buy my young cousins asking asinine questions like " can you stay the weekend?" and " do you want breakfast?" which illicited my rude and inappropriate replies  - which i will not go into- lol... i decided to go home early much to everyone's dismay and tears, yes tears were shed, i was also surprised.... any this has all led to this moment now, watching mallrats, being nostalgic and writing my first blog, EVER... hope you like it... and hope its coherent..... if not supremely random... night!

- Val 


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